Posts tagged #PEAP

Create An 802.1x Evil Access Point

The last couple of weeks, I've been playing with Kali Linux to explore exploits on networks (wireless and switched networks). One of the exploits I'd liked to explore was that of an 'Evil Access Point' which can be done with Kali Linux and a suitable wireless LAN adapter.

An Evil Access Point creates an wireless network SSID to lure unsuspecting users/computers in to connecting to it. This network is pretending to use 802.1x for security (which is mainly used in corporate network environments), and those networks require typically a username and password (or certificate) to connect.

When the user/computer tries to connect, it (the evil AP) collects the user-name and a hash of the password. The password can be recovered by using dictionary files, rainbow tables, or by using brute-force. After the password has been found it can be used with the captured user-name to connect to the corporate network.

Posted on April 12, 2015 and filed under Security, Tips'n Tricks.

802.1x: Machine Access Restriction 'Vulnerability'

Today we ran into a feature of the Machine Authentication Restrictions (MAR) option in the Cisco Secure ACS Radius server. It seems that when you're using the ACS for 802.1x authentication, you have the option of demanding that the authenticating users can only be authenticated when the computer is already authenticated. This way, you make sure that no user can access the network without a legitimate PC.

Posted on January 20, 2011 and filed under Security, Software, Tips'n Tricks.