It's has been a couple of days since my last update. I haven't been able to shoot that much (in general) due to work and other (social) events. This post will hold several photo's I made with the M9 in the 20+ days I didn't report back here. During this period I also sold a lot of my Nikon gear. Especially most of the prime lenses I owned. Since I have the M9 now, I doubt that I will have much use for those primes. I will hold on to the Macro lens and my two zoom lenses (the Nikon 17-55 f/2.8 and the 70-200 f/2.8).
The Panasonic G3 I won with a photo contest is also gone (SOLD!!!). This camera was a real beauty, but I had no use for it. It's situated between a compact camera and a dSLR. The two camera types I have (Nikon P7000, and a Nikon D300) are more than sufficient for me. Overkill might be a better word.....
Back to the Leica M9 adventure....