Posts tagged #HDR

HDR and Panoramic Photos

Many use the Leica M9 (or any other M-series) for street / portrait / candid photography. I also see lots of questions about the M9 in combination with nature / landscape photography. No idea why they ask these questions, because the Leica M-system is just as capable of shooting landscapes as any other camera.

The first photo is an 8 photo panorama shot from the hand (in manual mode). The second photo is a 3 exposure HDR (-2EV, 0EV, +2EV). Also shot without a tripod.

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

So, if anyone tells you that a Leica M-system camera isn't suitable for anything else than street / candid / portrait / documentary photography doesn't know what he/she is talking about. The limitation is the photographer. Not the equipment.

Posted on October 18, 2011 and filed under Leica M9, Photography.