Posts tagged #zoo

>30 Nerds In A Zoo

Last weekend, I hooked up with >30 (other) photogs/nerds/geeks/whateveryoucallthem in the Burgers' Zoo in Arnhem (NL). Objective to capture some animals (on film or digital media), and to talk about everything (but not limited to) related to photography.

I attended several of these meetings over the years, and I must say that these outings are always a lot of fun.​ This time I brought my Leica M9 (28mm, 35mm and 50mm), and my Nikon D300 (with the Nikkor 70-200 f/2.8 VR).

Apart from the mainstream gear that was around (Canon, Nikon with their $$$ L/Pro lenses), there were some oldies as well. A Canon VT rangefinder (with a rapidwinder in the bottom plate) from the early 50's, with some Canon 39mm screw lenses that were almost as old as the camera.

Posted on April 30, 2013 and filed under Personal, Photography.


MeerkatLast weekend I visited Ouwehands Dierenpark. A Zoo near the town of Rhenen in the Netherlands.

It had been a while since my last visit to any zoo. It sure is nice to stroll around the zoo with a camera, but in many cases it almost seems cruel to see those animals in those cramped spaces for the rest of their lives.

I think it might have to do something with seeing all those animals in the wild in Africa. Once you've seen that, the rest is kinda sorry, but on the other hand, not everyone has the possibility of going to Africa, and this might be the only way of seeing those animals in real life......

B.t.w. those cute polar bears are known to chase humans. Especially photographers :)

Posted on April 24, 2008 and filed under Personal, Photography.