Posts tagged #vSRX

Juniper vSRX Firewall and VMWare Workstation 14

For a work related project, I wanted to run the Juniper vSRX firewall (v15.1X49-D110) on my work laptop by using VMWare Workstation Pro 14. Unfortunately, the installation (importing the Juniper vSRX OVA file resulted in a VMWare Workstation crash.

Run Juniper Virtual SRX in VMWare Workstation

The Juniper Virtual SRX firewall can run on multiple platforms, but VMware Workstation is not mentioned in the list of supported platforms. Having some experience with both, I know that almost all VM's designed for the VMware ESXi environment will run on the (stand-alone) VMware Workstation product.

I downloaded the .ova file from the Juniper website and imported it in VMware Workstation v12.1. During the import I adjusted the number of CPU's to save resources, which turned out to be a mistake. The VM really needs the two CPU's, because if you don't it just won't work (routing failures, etc..). So, don't change the defaults for CPU and memory.

Posted on January 12, 2016 and filed under Junos, Security, Tips'n Tricks.