Posts tagged #tethering

iPhone iOS 4.2 and Carrier Update Released

There's probably more than enough information on this subject, but there's something I ran into;

After the iOS 4.2 update, I also got a iPhone Carrier update through iTunes, and brave as I am, I installed it.

Afterward, several options in the Settings -> General -> Carrier menu of the iPhone were gone. Specifically, the settings regarding the Cellular Data settings, MMS. Basically, all the stuff I had to do manually as described in this blogpost.

Apple must have included the KPN Carrier settings in their Carrier Support package. Checking the default carrier profile location (/Users//Library/iTunes/iPhone Carrier Support/) showed the KPN_nl_iPhone.ipcc profile.

This does make it easier to upgrade to another iOS version, because each earlier upgrade erased the settings I had entered manually the time before. On the downside; The profile could also be updated to remove/disable tethering on the iPhone on the KPN network.

The ipcc file mentioned earlier is the one distributed on (or around) November 24th, 2010.

Posted on November 24, 2010 and filed under Apple, iPhone.

iPhone 3GS Tethering with Firmware 3.1.3

With the release of firmware 3.1.3 the tethering option is back on the iPhone. After the reboot of the iPhone you get additional fields in the 'Cellular Data Network' section in the 'Network' menu (Settings -> General -> Network -> Cellular Data Network). Just enter the appropriate information in the APN field (for KPN in the Netherlands enter internet in the APN field) and the Internet Tethering option is back (w00t) in the 'Network' menu.

Posted on February 3, 2010 and filed under Apple, Tips'n Tricks, iPhone.

Initial Thoughts on the iPhone Friendliness

The next morning; The initial rush of a new iPhone is gone (not that much though). So it's time to look at the thing with a more open mind. After my earlier post I had some time to think about the features I stumbled upon. Especially the tethering and syncing problems I ran into.

At first the tethering; no idea why Apple stripped that one from the 3.1.2 update (when you're not having the correct carrier). Most countries allow (by law) the users to remove the SIMLOCK from the iPhone. This opens the iPhone for other carriers. But it seems that when you switch carriers you end up with a 'crippled' phone, since the tethering gets 'disabled'. Not having the visual voicemail with other carriers is only a nice-to-have gone away. But tethering is something more basic. Something you (I) cannot live without.
Every other phone I've owned in the last 5 years was able to 'tether' through either an USB cable or through Bluetooth. It's like stepping back in time with the iPhone.

Posted on October 18, 2009 and filed under Annoying, Apple, iPhone.

Member of the iPhone Club

As of today, I'm the (proud) owner of an iPhone 3Gs 32GB (Black). Ever since the release a couple of years ago I really wanted an iPhone. The problem is that we can only get an iPhone in combination with a T-Mobile plan here in Holland, and alternatives to the T-Mobile plan are relatively expensive;

  • You need to cough up the entire amount for a SIMLOCK free iPhone in once (several hundreds of euros) or
  • Get the T-Mobile plan and let them remove the SIMLOCK (for a fee). Initially less expensive, but you're still hooked to their two year plan.

Either way, an iPhone cost around 800 euros, whether you pay it at once or spread the costs over two years. Since I didn't like to finance T-Mobile for a plan, since I already got a pretty good deal, I went out and bought an iPhone.

Posted on October 17, 2009 and filed under Apple, Gadgets, Hardware.