Posts tagged #statistics

SmugMug Statistics Accuracy

I either got kicked from the Interwebs, or SmugMug updated their statistics module to a working version :-)

I guess the latter, since I find it hard to believe that I have >4000 image views per day on average. Funny thing though, that it started going down when I rearranged the galleries on my site.... Coincidence?

Posted on April 29, 2012 and filed under Website.

SquareSpace Traffic Statistics

First; I would recommend SquareSpace [2] to anyone who wants to run a website with lots of features and easy as 1-2-3. It's extremely easy to use, and no HTML knowledge is required to start modifying the layout etc. (it helps if you do though).

With the website comes a management center (Dashboard) where you can view traffic/visitor statistics (among a dozen of other things regarding the website). Every now and then, I see the traffic increase.

Green = Visiting IP's / Grey = Pageviews

Initially I thought;

Damn, they started the DDoS again....

After that;

They Slashdotted me (one can always hope)

Posted on June 2, 2010 and filed under Annoying, Website.

Lens and Focal Length Statistics

Have you ever wondered which lens you used the most? Or what focal length is your favorite? The results of these queries can be used to decide what new lens to get; a (ultra)wide-angle, normal, or telephoto lens.
Well, there is an answer for both questions. The first (which lens) is relatively easy when you're using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. Just select the metadata filter in the library view and examine the results.

Posted on February 11, 2010 and filed under Photography, Software, Tips'n Tricks.