Posts tagged #krb5kdc

OS X Kerberos / Open Directory Logging

Ever since I switched to OS X server at home I use Splunk> to see what's happening 'underneath the hood'. This revealed that there's a lot (really a whole lot) of Kerberos logging going on. Each and every day I get thousands of log entries regarding krb5kdc which results in over 1 million log entries only for krb5kdc in little over a week.

These syslog messages only contain the following 'text';

krb5kdc[16179](debug): routing msg not interesting
krb5kdc[16179](info): got routing msg type 5(RTM_LOSING) v5
krb5kdc[16179](info): routing socket readable

Looks like that the debugging level is set to debug (why??). And why can't we change it? Others seem to have this problem as well.

Looks like that the following command seems to work:

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryServiceDebug "Debug Logging Priority Level" FALSE

After entering that 1 line I haven't seen any new logentries in the kdc logs. More info on that command can be found @ Apple.


Posted on July 22, 2010 and filed under Annoying, Apple, Operating Systems.