Posts tagged #fail

AirDrop Between iOS and OS X Maverick

I got my new AirDrop-capable phone today.  Not that AirDrop was the reason for getting it, but the feature itself is quite nice; being able to send files between devices. No need to use mail or other communication methods.

This evening I shot a video on my phone and I needed it on my MacBook (with OS X Maverick). Both devices are AirDrop capable, so ..... 

And there is I went wrong. After trying for about 30 minutes to get it to work I found the answer online.... Looks like that AirDrop between different OS is NOT supported by Apple. And not supported does mean that it won't work.  

OS X: Can I use AirDrop with my computer?
iOS: Using AirDrop 

That is one Epic Fail if you ask me.  

Posted on November 11, 2013 and filed under Annoying, Apple, iPhone, Operating Systems.

iMac with Multiple Monitors

One can not have enough screen "real-estate" when working with photos, or while exploring your web-development skillz. So, a single display is simply not an option in my case......

Next to my 27" iMac stands a Dell 24" TFT Display. This Dell display is being abused for two things;

  1. extended display for my iMac, and
  2. as a main monitor for my (Windows) work laptop

using the input selector on the TFT display.

Since I'm a guy and I rock at multitasking (*cough*), I have both my Windows (work) laptop and my iMac powered on. In this scenario I have only one active display on my iMac. The second display should therefor not be used, and this is where Apple fails miserably.

Posted on December 1, 2010 and filed under Annoying, Apple, Software, Tips'n Tricks.

The 'Legalized Meaning of Words' According to

I got an e-mail from an 'old' friend Hunter (probably not his real name) today. He helped me out regarding the exposure of online scammers last year. He (and his 'team') offered to continue my work in regards to exposing online retailers that 'forgot' to send the goods, after you payed..... I couldn't go on with this (important) work for several reasons. Reasons I won't go into at this time.
Anyway, he moved the available content to the public (and free) Wordpress platform and continued what I had left behind.

Posted on May 12, 2010 and filed under Annoying, WordPress.

Installing & Configuring CentOS 5.4 (Day 2)

Oké. Day 2. After the successful installation and configuration of CentOS with Adobe Coldfusion, I needed to install MySQL as a database. So, I started the virtual machine, and found out why Linux will (probably) never cut it as a common desktop environment.

X11 - No DesktopYesterday I (properly) shutdown the system (which had the GNOME Desktop), and today it started with some back to the 60's desktop. Every icon gone. All that I'm left with was a terminal window, clock, and a FireFox window. This environment is the basic X11 desktop.

Posted on April 2, 2010 and filed under Annoying, Linux, Operating Systems, Personal, Tips'n Tricks.

Adobe Coldfusion 9 on CentOS 5.4 (x64)

A while back I figured out how to install Adobe (could have been Macromedia back then) Coldfusion MX on an Ubuntu linux server. This config still runs as it should, but in the mean time several things have changed in the world of software. I've been leaning towards Centos 5.4, and Adobe released Coldfusion 9 somewhere in 2009. These two 'events' made me decide to combine the two.

Before I continue, I must warn you that the Coldfusion installer is still broken..... So there's some manipulation of code involved.

Since the new 'server' is going to run in a virtual environment I started in a VMWare Workstation. This way I could make snapshots of my progress. This made it easier to start from scratch. The problem with Linux and me is that I tend to reinstall the OS when things go haywire. So VMWare is a safe way out in this case.

Posted on April 1, 2010 and filed under Annoying, Linux, Software, Tips'n Tricks.

Microsoft Haunted by 17-year old 'feature'

It looks like that every Windows version is susceptible to a 17-year old 'feature' that could give hackers access to your computer. The 'feature' exist since Windows v3.51, which dates from the last century (this way it looks even older :-) )

The person (Tavis Ormandy) who discovered this feature did a full disclosere which can be found here. So you'd better start watching your 3.51 Operating Systems (and above).

Posted on January 22, 2010 and filed under Microsoft, Operating Systems, Security.

Apple Snow Leopard and FileVault (part deux)

A while back, I wrote a couple of blog posts about the FileVault quirks in OSX. The problems seemed to be gone with the upgrade to Snow Leopard, but this week I ran into a (new??) 'feature'?

When I remove a directory on a (SMB) file-share it removes the files and directory (or so it seems). But after a couple of seconds the (empty) directory re-appears.

Posted on January 20, 2010 and filed under Annoying, Apple, Software.

Microsoft Pays $290m

Remember this one? Well, the supreme court ruled that Microsoft did use some code illegally, and needs to cough up $290 million in favor to i4i.

They (i4i) must be celebrating somewhere in the tropics by now I imagine.... $290m is something I don't carry around in my wallet every day.

The court also decided that the existing Office/Word installments in the world don't need the patented code removed. New purchases from January 11, 2010 will have no illegal code (as does Office/Word 2010).
This basically results into 2 different Office/Word versions. I wonder how long it takes before the first incompatibility bug raises its ugly head.......

Thankfully I won't have to deal with this in my personal life.

Posted on December 23, 2009 and filed under Microsoft, Software.

Nikon Learn & Explore iPhone App

Nikon Learn & Explore on the iPhoneNikon (USA) launched their Learn & Explore iPhone app. The application is there for you to learn & explore the magical world of Nikon. Learn about shooting techniques by renowned photographers, see photos taken around the world.

A quote from Nikon USA;

Read an article on getting the most from your travel photography while you’re on vacation. Check information on adjusting depth of field or selecting the right shutter speed when you’re taking photos at your child’s sporting event. Access advice on the right aperture for shooting photos indoors when you’re attending a wedding. It’s all there on the Learn & Explore iPhone app. Photography information at your fingertips.

Nice for those moments when you're not busy at all. Light reading material is always welcome. Especially when you can learn something new. So I want this app.....

BUT unfortunatelly, the app is US only(?????). Why? Don't ask me. I already asked Nikon this, but they haven't answered (yet).

I guess Nikon World starts and ends in the US....

Posted on November 3, 2009 and filed under Annoying, Photography, iPhone.

PGP and Snow Leopard

PGP-BrokenIt seems that the current versions of Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) are NOT compatible with Snow Leopard. Incompatibilty issues are are something that mostly occurs on mayor OS upgrades. The upgrades that overhauls the entire OS. But Snow Leopard is merely a fancy service/feature pack. So I have no idea why this would cripple PGP.

The blogposting is of August 27th. 1 (ONE) day before the release of Snow Leopard. And according to the post they are still in some sort of beta stage in the Snow Leopard compatibility development. This raises the following question(s);

  • Why aren't they further in the development?
  • Have they missed the news that Snow Leopard was on its way (announced somewhere last year)?
  • Don't they have access to the developer tools (and associated beta's of the OS)?
  • Were they asleep the last couple of months?

Instead of patching the 'old' v9.x of PGP they will release a new (commercial) version 10 which will be compatible with Snow Leopard. This shows the 'real' commitment of supporting the current customers. I'll try to make a list of applications which were incompatible with the release of Snow Leopard, but are pathed for FREE. Just to show that real service still exists.

I'll be keeping my eyes in the mean time on the MacGPG pages (the free implementation of the opensource part of PGP).
No more PGP for me. I'll be heading towards S/MIME and Truecrypt for the time being.

Posted on August 31, 2009 and filed under Annoying, Software.