Posts tagged #crash

Kodi Media Playback Stops Frequently

Ever since the good-old Popcorn Hour died last year, we've been consuming our media through a Minix media player with XBMC, or Kodi as it's called since version 15. And even though this was a complete package (everything configured and pre-installed), it had a learning curve and required more maintenance than the Popcorn Hour.

A couple of weeks back, we started to experience cut-offs in the media we were consuming. TV shows, and movies stopped for no reason. The image froze, audio cut-out, and the subtitles would go on like nothing was wrong. After a few seconds display goes black, and after 5 to 10 seconds the Kodi-menu would present itself.
At this point we would select play, and the TV show, or movie would continue were it had stopped.

The stopping (or crashing) of the media could occur 1-10 times in a movie and a couple of times in a TV show. One or two times is already annoying, so you can imaging what 10 or 15 'crashes' might invoke....

Posted on December 1, 2015 and filed under Tips'n Tricks, Software, Hardware, Annoying.

Unibody MacBook Crashes Solved

At least with a 99.9% certainty.

It seemed that the memory upgrade I bought when I bought the MacBook is having trouble. Weird, because under Leopard it worked just fine. Snow Leopard crashes (system freeze), and sometimes even with weird flashing lines on the screen.

I guess that Snow Leopard is a bit more sensitive about the memory that's installed.

Ordered a set of Kingston KTA-MB1066K2/4G @ Informatique. Let's see if that's more stable.

The old RAM I had was OCZ So-Dimm DDR3 PC3-8500, 1066MHz (P/N: OCZ3M10664GK). Let's see if I can put it in another laptop. A less picky one.

Posted on October 1, 2009 and filed under Apple, Hardware.

CS4 Action Script Compatibility

Scripts made in Adobe CS3 may not work in Adobe CS4 product. I tried an evaluation version of Photoshop CS4, and found out that my watermarking action 'crashed'.
The crash is triggered by the CS3 version of the 'Fit Image' script/command.

So much for backwards compatibility...

UPDATE: I've updated the watermarking action. This one works with CS4. For CS3 you need this one.

UPDATE 2: New CS4 Watermarking Actions

Posted on November 13, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Software.