Posts tagged #Orvulte

Camera Club Photo Weekend 2011

This weekend, we had a little outing with the camera club in Drenthe (NL). During the weekend we visited Orvulte, Camp Westerbork, Dwingelderveld, and Groningen.

  • Orvulte is a (really) small town with a no-cars-allowed-policy during a large part of the year. It could be a nice place to visit if it wasn't overrun by tourists (and photographers).
  • Camp Westerbork was a transit camp for Jews during the second World War. Over 107.000 Jews, Sinti and Roma were shipped to various concentration camps in Europe and lost their lives. Unfortunately, there's not much left of the original camp.

Barbed Wire @ Camp Westerbork

Iconic rail track @ Camp WesterborkNice autumn colors during the walk to the camp

  • National Park Dwingelderveld is a small nature reserve in Drenthe (NL).
  • And Groningen is.... well a big city in the northern part of the Netherlands.

Waiting for the busRed, White and GreenThis was the first (photo)trip without my Nikon dSLR gear. Leica only, which was kinda challenging at times (not having zoom-capabilities etc.), but I survived.


Posted on November 2, 2011 and filed under Personal, Photography.