Posts tagged #Leica

>30 Nerds In A Zoo

Last weekend, I hooked up with >30 (other) photogs/nerds/geeks/whateveryoucallthem in the Burgers' Zoo in Arnhem (NL). Objective to capture some animals (on film or digital media), and to talk about everything (but not limited to) related to photography.

I attended several of these meetings over the years, and I must say that these outings are always a lot of fun.​ This time I brought my Leica M9 (28mm, 35mm and 50mm), and my Nikon D300 (with the Nikkor 70-200 f/2.8 VR).

Apart from the mainstream gear that was around (Canon, Nikon with their $$$ L/Pro lenses), there were some oldies as well. A Canon VT rangefinder (with a rapidwinder in the bottom plate) from the early 50's, with some Canon 39mm screw lenses that were almost as old as the camera.

Posted on April 30, 2013 and filed under Personal, Photography.

Leica à la Carte

Leica M7 à la CarteThis post is for everyone who wishes me the best. In this case, the best à la carte (film-based) Leica M camera. Our German friends @ Leica created a website called 'Leica à la Carte' where you can order a fully customizable Leica M7 or MP.

They have a nice wizard where you can specify every option for the M camera, but in stead of hitting a submit button at the end, you need to download the PDF (containing the customization), print it, and (snail)mail it to a selected Leica reseller, who will order it with Leica.... A real old-skool process for an excellent old-skool film camera.

So for those who want to order me a customized Leica M7; Just download this PDF, where I did all the customization work already. Just contact me for the shipping information, and I'll send you an exclusive un-boxing video of the Leica camera, and a handwritten thank-you-note once it arrives.

Posted on August 13, 2012 and filed under Personal, Photography.

The Leica M-Monochrom and More

Last Tuesday (May 10th), Leica announced a couple of new Leica goodies to the world. Of the items, the Leica X2 was the least shocking (IMO). The other two items, a monochrome version of the M9-P (Leica M-Monochrom) and a new 50mm Summicron-M f/2, were quite the news. The Leica M9-P Hermès Special Editions were just overpriced versions of the current M9-P for the filthy rich (@ $50,000 USD).

Posted on May 14, 2012 and filed under News, Personal, Photography.

Leica Rangefinder M10 Rumors

Many of you may have heard, that Leica has scheduled an event for May 10th 2012. These events fuel the speculations of the things that may be announced. One of those things being a new Leica (rangefinder) camera called the M10.

Along with this rumor, everyone has (special) feature wishes / requests that this new camera should have. Some of those (IMO ridiculous) features include:

  • Auto focus
  • Electronic Viewfinder
  • Build-in Flash
  • Black and White only sensor
Posted on April 10, 2012 and filed under Gear, Personal, Photography.

The Depressing Belgium Ardennes

Some depressing photos from the Ardennes in Belgium.... And these 'objects' are still being used by people.

A combination of a store/shop, and living quarters:

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

Small (literally) house in the village of Boulion:

The following photo was shot during a foggy day on the parking lot of a supermarket:

I definitely wouldn't want to live there, but is it nice to make photos some cases :-)

Posted on February 26, 2012 and filed under Photography.

Leica M and Lens Caps

Normally, I would have posted the following video in the Leica diary section, but that section is about totally serious Leica subjects only ;-). What the guy in this video is demonstrating (I hope) to the videographer, is that it's easy to forget that you put the lens cap back on the lens. With (d)SLR's you don't have this problem, since you're looking through the actual lens (unless you're blind or shooting in pitch black).

Fairness to say that I've had it happen to me a couple of times, but I notice my mistake at the moment I press the shutterbutton (+3sec exposure in broad daylight?? Must have forgotten something...).

Posted on December 16, 2011 and filed under Fun, Photography.