Posts tagged #IPv6

Docker Images Not Starting

After updating my Linux host yesterday, the docker images failed to start with the following error:

Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp6 [::]:9091: socket: address family not supported by protocol

For some reason IPv6 (the hint is tcp6) is screwing things up. The problem is that I disabled IPv6 from the start on this host. Mainly because of some concerns in regards of routing and internet accessibility (I have a formal IPv6 subnet at home).

After about an hour of troubleshooting I changed the docker-compose.yaml file to include the actual IP address of the host instead of just the ports the container uses.

The old:

          - '9091:9091'
          - '8888:8080'


          - ''
          - ''

Restarting the docker images went just fine after this. So I guess the update I ran yesterday included a docker update that basically thinks that you have IPv6 enabled by default. The problem is that I couldn’t find documentation on how to disable this globally.

Posted on April 14, 2021 and filed under Annoying, Linux.