Posts tagged #HSDPA

Apple OS X Leopard, Nokia N95 and Dialup Networking

One of the things I forgot to backup were the setting for Dialup Networking (DUN) on my MacBook. I use a Nokia N95 with a flatfee UMTS/HSDPA subscription. Both the MacBook and Nokia N95 have Bluetooth capabilities, so it should be a match made in heaven... Well, not completely.

You need specific settings AND files for getting this to work. First of all, Apple does supply several modem scripts for several phones/providers, but not the HSDPA/N95 combination.

Thankfully, I found this blogposting providing the modem scripts (local version). Having those makes it a lot easier.

Just unzip the file and place the scripts in the following folder:

/Library/Modem Scripts/

Posted on September 1, 2009 and filed under Apple, Tips'n Tricks.