Juniper entered the realm of application firewalling since the release of Junos 11.4 (for SRX platforms). A realm that is mainly dominated by Palo Alto (they basically invented it) and Checkpoint, but more and more vendor's are starting to move in on that territory.
And Juniper is one of those vendors that started to implement Application Firewalling (AppFW) on their (SRX) firewalls.
This post will show what needs to be done to enable AppFW, and how to configure those policies by using the J-Web interface and the CLI. The Junos software used in this exercise is version 12.1X44.4
First, we need to add the appropriate license to be able to use AppFW. This can be done by using a temporary trial license. This trial license will work for 30 days, and can be requested through the CLI of the device, or through the Juniper website. As an alternative, you could contact your Juniper contact to generate one for you. The latter has the possibility to generate trial licenses that are valid for a longer period of time.
Downloading a trial license by using the CLI is done by the following command:
root@srx100> request system license update trial
Adding a license by pasting the license information on the CLI is done by using the following command:
root@srx100> request system license add terminal
[Type ^D at a new line to end input,
enter blank line between each license key]
JUNOS285045 aeaqea qmifkt iojrgb aummbw gy2qma j4a4ug
jka3bt 34fjl4 clkx7w y2rnkb ocbcq2 beh3ip
fprbzm piovpz fhyjhu ptcuuw 2qjjwt a
JUNOS428378 aeaqea qmifkt iojrgb aummbw gy2qqb qcdw63
xpzia4 uhtsrf n7ff6i c5fpsn ujymx7 senhen
llacqq o3ifot 62iabp vknzll wjhoff vhd56t
JUNOS428379 aeaqea qmifkt iojrgb aummbw gy2qqb qcio63
xpzia4 uekva3 5gkbpn qzzncm osddsz 4pvbvi
mq3a46 rgp3re lea3of 722gps s55dtx ed7f3i
You can review the imported licenses by issuing the following command:
root@srx100> show system license
License usage:
Licenses Licenses Licenses Expiry
Feature name used installed needed
idp-sig 1 1 0 2014-04-08 02:00:00 CEST
dynamic-vpn 0 2 0 permanent
ax411-wlan-ap 0 2 0 permanent
mem-upg 0 1 0 permanent
appid-sig 0 1 0 2014-04-08 02:00:00 CEST
Licenses installed:
License identifier: JUNOS285045
License version: 2
Valid for device: AU4910AF0665
mem-upg - Memory Upgrade
License identifier: JUNOS428378
License version: 2
Valid for device: AU4910AF0665
idp-sig - IDP Signature
date-based, 2013-04-08 02:00:00 CEST - 2014-04-08 02:00:00 CEST
License identifier: JUNOS428379
License version: 2
Valid for device: AU4910AF0665
appid-sig - APPID Signature
date-based, 2013-04-08 02:00:00 CEST - 2014-04-08 02:00:00 CEST
Now that the licenses are available on the SRX, we need to download the AppFW security packages from the Juniper back-end.
root@srx100> request services application-identification download
Please use command "request services application-identification download status" to check status
root@srx100> request services application-identification download status
root@srx100> request services application-identification download status
Downloading application package 2260 succeed.
If you also have an IDP (trial) license, you can issue the IDP signature download command by entering:
root@srx100> request security idp security-package download
root@srx100> request security idp security-package download status
Done;Successfully downloaded from(
Version info:2260(Mon May 6 18:12:50 2013 UTC, Detector=12.6.160130325)
After downloading the application-identification package (the AppFW stuff) we need to install it:
root@srx100> request services application-identification install
Please use command "request services application-identification install status" to check status
root@srx100> request services application-identification install status
Checking compatibility of application package version 2260 ...
root@srx100> request services application-identification install status
Compiling application signatures of package version 2260 ...
root@srx100> request services application-identification install status
Install application package 2260 succeed
root@srx100> show services application-identification version
Application package version: 2260
Now that the package has been downloaded and installed, we can check what's tools (application groups and individual applications) we have available to implement the Application Firewall rule-set on our SRX:
root@srx100> show services application-identification group summary
Application Group(s): 85
Application Groups Disabled ID
junos:infrastructure:networking:ipp No 87
junos:infrastructure:networking:icmp No 86
junos:web:infrastructure:networking No 85
junos:web:social-networking:business No 84
junos:web:infrastructure:encryption No 83
junos:web:remote-access:tunneling No 82
junos:web:infrastructure:mobile No 81
junos:web:infrastructure:software-update No 80
junos:web:infrastructure:database No 79
junos:web:infrastructure No 78
junos:web:gaming:protocols No 77
junos:web:p2p:file-sharing No 76
junos:web:p2p No 75
root@srx100> show services application-identification application summary
Application(s): 241
Nested Application(s): 892
Applications Disabled ID Order
junos:AIM-HTTP-API No 1865 33703
junos:ALIWANGWANG-HTTP No 1863 33709
junos:ALIWANGWANG-USER-AGENT No 1861 33711
junos:TAOBAO-CDN No 1860 33713
junos:BAIDU-HI-HTTP No 1859 33708
junos:BAOFENG No 1857 33707
junos:AIM-USERAGENT No 1856 33705
junos:AIM-WEB-API No 1855 33704
In our experiment we will disable the video (stream) first option (access to the YouTube website, but no access to the actual video's).
First we need to figure out which signatures we need to address in our ruleset. The following command shows the available applications:
root@srx100> show services application-identification application summary | match youtube
junos:YOUTUBE-COMMENT No 833 32813
junos:FACEBOOK-YOUTUBEBOX No 603 33221
junos:YOUTUBE-STREAM No 527 32814
junos:YOUTUBE No 315 32815
Is there a group associated with the YouTube streaming option? This group will most likely disable any streaming video from the web.
root@srx100> show services application-identification group summary | match youtube
No group association, but we can check the details of the junos:YOUTUBE-STREAM application to see if it's associated with any application groups:
root@srx100> show services application-identification application detail junos:YOUTUBE-STREAM
Application Name: junos:YOUTUBE-STREAM
Application type: YOUTUBE-STREAM
Description: This signature detects video streaming from, a video sharing site.
Application ID: 527
Disabled: No
Number of Parent Group(s): 1
Application Groups:
Application Tags:
characteristic : Loss of Productivity
characteristic : Bandwidth Consumer
risk : 2
subcategory : Multimedia
category : Web
Signature NestedApplication:YOUTUBE-STREAM
Layer-7 Protocol: HTTP
Chain Order: no
Maximum Transactions: 15
Order: 32814
Member(s): 2
Member 0
Context: http-header-host
Pattern: (.*\.)?(youtube|googlevideo)\.com
Direction: CTS
Member 1
Context: http-header-content-type
Pattern: .*video/.*
Direction: STC
Looks like the YOUTUBE-STREAM application is part of the junos:web:multimedia:web-based group. So let's check that group:
root@srx100> show services application-identification group detail junos:web:multimedia:web-based | match youtube
No we can decide to block just YouTube video's by using the application (junos:YOUTUBE-STREAM), or we can block all streaming video by using the application group (junos:web:multimedia:web-based).
In this example we'll be using the application only.
[edit security application-firewall]
root@srx100# set rule-sets my-appfw rule youtubevideo-block match dynamic-application junos:YOUTUBE-STREAM
[edit security application-firewall]
root@srx100# set rule-sets my-appfw rule youtubevideo-block then deny
[edit security application-firewall]
root@srx100# set rule-sets my-appfw default-rule permit
[edit security application-firewall]
root@srx100# show | compare
[edit security application-firewall]
+ rule-sets my-appfw {
+ rule youtubevideo-block {
+ match {
+ dynamic-application junos:YOUTUBE-STREAM;
+ }
+ then {
+ deny;
+ }
+ }
+ default-rule {
+ permit;
+ }
+ }
root@srx100# commit
commit complete
Now that the rule-set has been created we can assign it to a security policy in the firewall. In this case we're gonna add it to the trust-to-untrust security policy. The following configuration has no AppFW config:
root@srx100# run show configuration security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust
policy trust-to-untrust {
match {
source-address Internal-Network;
destination-address any-ipv4;
application any;
then {
log {
Now we add the AppFW part to it:
[edit security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust]
root@srx100# set policy trust-to-untrust then permit application-services application-firewall rule-set my-appfw
[edit security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust]
root@srx100# show | compare
[edit security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy trust-to-untrust then permit]
+ application-services {
+ application-firewall {
+ rule-set my-appfw;
+ }
+ }
[edit security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust]
root@srx100# commit
commit complete
[edit security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust]
root@srx100# run show configuration security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy trust-to-untrust
match {
source-address Internal-Network;
destination-address any-ipv4;
application any;
then {
permit {
application-services {
application-firewall {
rule-set my-appfw;
log {
When we open a browser and visit, we see the video placeholder and all the video controls, but the video refuses to play.
The YouTube video's will not play with the created Application Firewall policy.
To verify that the blocking of the YouTube video actually occurred we use the following command:
root@srx100> show security application-firewall rule-set my-appfw
Rule-set: my-appfw
Rule: youtubevideo-block
Dynamic Applications: junos:YOUTUBE-STREAM
Number of sessions matched: 361
Default rule:permit
Number of sessions matched: 1356
Number of sessions with appid pending: 0
As we can see, the AppFW rule-set my-appfw denied 361 matching sessions.
As a precaution, we can check if e.g. video's still work properly.
Video's on Vimeo work just fine with the created Application Firewall policy.
We succeeded in our quest to deny YouTube video's by using the Juniper SRX Application Firewall functionality.
We did all this by usinfg the CLI, but this can also be achieved by using the J-Web interface. Note that the initial part (the downloading part) needs to be done by using the CLI.
In the J-Web interface, go to Configure -> Security -> Policy -> Define AppFW Policy. Here you can create the rule-set and the associated rules in that set.
Adding the created Application Firewall rule-set to the firewall policy is done by adding it to the actual policy rule under Configure -> Security -> Policy -> Apply Policy.
The problem with the J-Web way of creating AppFW rules and applying them is that there's no way of dis-associating the AppFW rule-set with the security policy. That needs to be done by using the CLI, or by removing the policy rule and re-create it.
Below is the deny logging visible from within Splunk (the excellent log analyser tool).
The YouTube deny rule in Splunk
Finally the set commands combined for creating the actual rule-set and policy:
set security application-firewall rule-sets my-appfw rule youtubevideo-block match dynamic-application junos:YOUTUBE-STREAM
set security application-firewall rule-sets my-appfw rule youtubevideo-block then deny
set security application-firewall rule-sets my-appfw default-rule permit
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy trust-to-untrust match source-address Internal-Network
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy trust-to-untrust match source-address VPN-Network
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy trust-to-untrust match destination-address any-ipv4
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy trust-to-untrust match application any
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy trust-to-untrust then permit application-services application-firewall rule-set my-appfw
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy trust-to-untrust then log session-init
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy trust-to-untrust then log session-close
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy trust-to-untrust then count