iTunes Album Art

I've been using iTunes for a couple of years now. It took getting used to in the beginning. Recently, iTunes offers the ability to get the album art from the iTunes music store (you do need an account there).

In the old days, I got the covers from, but hey, when it's automated, who am I to complain.... till now

The downloaded ablum art from the iTunes store doesn't show up on the iPod... Why? Now I still have to get the album covers from Amazon (or another source), if I want the pictures to show up on my iPod.

The probabe cause might be that the album art I manual download and attach to songs is actually added to the mp3, while the iTunes automated-album-art-getter is only a reference to a image on the hard drive.

Well, at least I've got something to do tomorrow when it's raining.
Posted on May 27, 2007 and filed under Annoying, Apple, Software.