TWiT Podcasts Going Off-Topic

I've been a big fan of the TWiT podcasts. Especially the Apple, Windows and security related podcasts. But lately, the content of those podcasts seem to shift to too much off-topic talk.
Take the latest edition of Security Now! (Cross-Site-Scripting - Part II). The podcasts is about an hour in length, but the first half hour is nothing but talk about the Sony e-book reader, and favorite writers. What's that got to do with security?? I don't know.

Same goes for MacBreak Weekly. It's more about having a good time for the authors, than about bringing some news. I don't mind that the authors are having fun creating the content. Hell, I appreciate a good laugh as much as the next guy, but keep it on topic.

Too bad that only about 50% of the content has something to do with the actual title (Mac / Security).

If they keep this up, they will loose a listener (not that they might care).
Posted on April 10, 2007 and filed under Annoying, Apple, Personal, Security.