Google SketchUp

In time, my good old Sony Wega CRT TV will be replaced by a state-of-the-art flat screen. When this happens, I need a new (television) cupboard in my living room. The current one isn't large enough to host a mega TFT panel. Since these things don't come cheap, and are never right (cause it also needs to hold the receiver/amplifier and stuff), I decided to 'draw' one myself.

Drawing on a piece of paper is for those who can't use computer, and the computer has this great option called UNDO :smile: . Next thing on the agenda was to find an easy to use 3D drawing program. Well Google SketchUp is just perfectly suited for these things.

It's a bit getting used to the controls and functions (took me about an hour), but after that... the sky is the limit (or so they say).
Anyway, I (kinda) finished my new cupboard. All I need now is someone who wants to put it together :cry: .

Second Version

I'm a bit hesitative about the width of the middle section. Don't know if I should make it wider to support future ultra wide TFT (or plasma) screens.......
Posted on February 16, 2007 and filed under Software.