Upgrade to Vista, Without Upgrading

The upgrade versions of Windows Vista are less expensive than the normal retails versions. If you want to install the upgrade it should be done from within (a legitimate copy of) Windows XP. There is however a workaround which doesn't need the presence of a Windows XP installment, or even the original Windows XP CD.

  1. Boot with the Windows Vista Upgrade DVD.

  2. Click "Install Now."

  3. Do not enter a Product Key When prompted.

  4. When prompted, select the Vista product edition that you do have.

  5. Install Vista normally.

  6. Once the install is complete, restart the DVD-based Setup from within Windows Vista. Perform an in-place upgrade.

  7. Enter your Product Key when prompted.

That saves some money on the purchase of Windows Vista. It also saves you from installing a 'lesser' OS (which I personally doubt) first with all of its own problems etc.. I personally think that upgrading is always bad. Better start a new, and fresh installment of any OS (even Mac OSX).
Posted on February 1, 2007 and filed under Microsoft, Operating Systems.