Flickr / Yahoo passwords

Today, I ran into a "little" annoyance regarding the forgotten password thing on Yahoo / Flickr. I access my Flickr Pro account from several PC's and use (don't ask why) different browsers (IE, Firefox and Safari). Somehow, my main PC "forgot" the password (or misplaced the cookie) for my Flickr account, so I needed to log in again.

For some reason, my password didn't do the trick, so I thought; "let's reset it then"... Well there's a challenge.

You need to know exactly what (personal) data you entered when you signed up. Thagt is date of birth, ZIP code, country etc. As if everyone tells the truth on the Internet??? Fortunately, I gave the proper dates etc. when I signed up. So that wasn't hard to remember.

Anyway the first challenge was to get the right ZIP code into the form. In Holland we use 4 digits followed by 2 characters (e.g. 1234AB), but this is used in two ways. Namely with or without a space between the numbers and characters.... So what did I use? Furthermore, is this case-sensitive? Is it "1234ab", or "1234 ab", or "1234AB", or "1234 AB"??? I tried them all, and every time there was the error about not filling in things correctly AND not entering the security code correctly. So after a few retries, my account got locked :x :x, so don't expect any new photos on my Flickr PRO page soon......

Why not simply have an e-mail sent to the e-mail address you used when you signed up?? Almost every other service uses this method.

UPDATE: Well, with no thanks to Yahoo (and all), I found my password hidden in a obscure file cabinet under the "M" for Miscellaneous :)
Posted on September 5, 2006 and filed under Personal.