Installing WordPress v2.x on IIS6.0
Press the "Add" button
Call the filter name "PHP", and locaten the PHP ISAPI-filter (in my case "c:\PHP\php5isapi.dll"). When finished press "OK", and press "OK" again in the earlier screen. Now I needed to tell IIS what to do when it encounters .php files. This is done under the "Home Directory" tab.
Set the execution permissions to "Scripts only", after that, press the "Configuration" button.
Here I added the PHP extension by clicking the "Add" button.
The executable is (again) the ISAPI filter, which I configured as an ISAPI filter earlier on. Just click "browse" and locate the php5isapi.dll file in the "c:\PHP" directory. From this point on all open IIS windows can be closed by pressing "OK". The only thing left is to restart the Webserver.
Resetting IIS can be done by the commandline by entering "iisreset.exe" in a dos-box.
Step 3: Testing PHP Create a file called "phpinfo.php" in the root of the Wordpress website. The content of this file should be:
< ?php
// Show all information, defaults to INFO_ALL
// Show just the module information.
// phpinfo(8) yields identical results.
After saving this file, go with your browser to your website and open the phpinfo.php file. I received a nice page displaying various settings etc. from PHP. Note that the first table displays the location of the PHP.ini file used for the PHP engine. It points by default to the Windows directory. More on this in Step 4.
Now I needed to enable MySQL support for PHP
Step 4: Edit the PHP ini file
IMPORTANT: move the PHP.ini file to the Windows directory, and than start editting it. Somehow, the PHP engine expects the file over there. When I didn't get it to work initially (you get an error "Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL which is required for WordPress." when you try to install/configure Wordpress. Wordpress relies heavy on the MySQL database, so I needed to tell PHP to use the MySQL extensions. Extensions were disabled by default, so I needed to remove the semicolon infront of the extensions line, and point to the location of the "ext" directory within the PHP tree:extension_dir = "c:/php/ext/"
Note that, eventhough I'm installing on a Windows server, I used forwarded slashes "/", instead of the regular backslash "\". If you use the backslash in the PHP.ini file it won't work!!!!
Now I needed to enable the MySQL extension itself. Around line 630 in the ini file are the supplied Windows extensions. Remove the semicolon from the following lines:
extension=php_mysql.dll extension=php_mysqli.dll After this reset the webserver (again) with "iisreset.exe" command from the commandline. Step 5: Verifying MySQL support Open the phpinfo.php page again in the browser to verifiy that MySQL is enabled. Some where on the page should be a table called "Mysql". If it's not there, than there's no MySQL integration, and the installation of Wordpress won't work.