Posts filed under Tips'n Tricks

OSX Finder Replacement

This week I heard a tip on one of the TWiT podcasts about a OSX Finder replacement. Finder in OSX is what the Windows Explorer is for Windows. You use it to browse around your PC, copy, rename and launch programs.

Ever since I switched to Mac I encountered a couple of drawbacks on the OSX Finder;

  • No Cut&Paste option (CMD-X doesn't work on files)
  • Pressing 'Return' on a file is opening the rename 'dialog'. (CMD-O to open files).
  • etc.

I know that OSX has the ability to remap keys, so that you can still use the (old) Windows commands/keys, but I like things to be as default as it can be.

Posted on November 14, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Personal, Software, Tips'n Tricks.

FireFox 3 Color Management

In the 'old' days, Safari was probably the only Internet browser with some decent color management. The problem was that images displayed in Firefox and Internet Explorer looked a bit desaturated and lighter.

Now, in FireFox 3 you have the opportunity of enabling color management. Just set the following configuration option to 'true' (by double clicking) in the FireFox configuration settings (to access the config-part of FireFox, just type about:config in the address bar).


This feature is turned off by default. Restart firefox and be amazed by the colors in your photos on the Internet

Posted on August 27, 2008 and filed under Browsers, Photography, Tips'n Tricks.

Photoshop CS3 Watermark / Frame Action

Ever since I started uploading photos onto the Internet I needed a way of 'protecting' my images. I could choose to upload a very small photo, with terrible JPEG artifact, but that's not the way you want to be remembered. Especially today. Today we have the bandwidth and the online storage to upload large images, so why not do that.

If you don't want that other people (or companies) to (financially) benefit from your hard work (1, 2, 3), you may want to 'tag' your photos. Just to make sure who created the original image.

When you shoot lot's of photos and share them with others on the Internet, you don't want to manipulate each photo. You would want to automate this.

Thankfully, there are numerous programs out there that can do such a thing. Some are free (free as in speech, and free as in beer), and others are commercially available.

Posted on August 1, 2008 and filed under DRM, Photography, Software, Tips'n Tricks.

SMS Costs

Not every cellular provider gives unlimited SMS for free. Some of them have dataplans in which you buy unlimited SMS for a price. More and more contracts have so-called unlimited dataplans. This means that you can surf / e-mail all you want on your phone, but this doesn't mean that SMS is for free as well.

When you think about the costs of SMS, it is probably more expensive than a barrel of oil, or even more expensive than a bottle of printer ink.
A single sms costs about 10 to 20 cents a piece (depending on your SMS 'plan'). This SMS contains a maximum of 160 characters (=160 bytes). This makes 1 Megabyte of SMS messages costs about 650 euro (@10 cents a SMS).... So, why even sms at all?

Posted on July 8, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Personal, Tips'n Tricks.

Updating Capture NX on Mac

When I bought my Nikon D300, I got a free copy op Capture NX (v1.3.0). After installing, the application reminded me to update. There were a couple of new versions available (current version is 1.3.3).
This is were the quest began......

The Nikon Update application kept crashing on me. 50MB downloads took over three hours (before crashing), while a single download from the support pages would take 5 to 10 minutes. So I needed to get the files from the web instead of using the updater.

First, the D300 was bought in the Netherlands, so you might think that the software would also be the Dutch version. I wouldn't know this because I install everything in English (if there's a choice). So I downloaded the Dutch updates from the Nikon support pages.

Note: I used the 'Dutch' CD which came with the camera.

None of the updates worked (Error: No version of Capture NX was found)....

I literally downloaded 12 different versions from different continents. Finally, I found a 1.3.1 update (a file called cnx131_en.dmg) which worked. So I needed to get English versions of the software. Not US, or Canadian versions, but English versions.

After this it was easy; Created an account on the UK Nikon support website and found Nikon Capture NX v1.3.3 for OSX. This update worked. So finally, after a gazillion downloads, multiple crashes, and 5 hours well spend, I got Capture NX v1.3.3 up and running.....

Nikon Capture NX v1.3.3

So, even if your camera is officially purchased in the Netherlands, you need to get the updates from the UK.

UPDATE: It seems that I'm not the only one who ran into this. I keep getting referers from some fora around the Internet.
I think that if you're running Windows instead of OSX you might have similar problems. So yet another crossplatform solution :)

Posted on May 20, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Apple, Personal, Photography, Software, Tips'n Tricks.

CiscoVPN Error 51 Annoyance

The CiscoVPN client (v4.9.01.0100) for Apple OSX throws an error every once in a while. Mainly when I just rebooted, or when I was forced to quit some hanging application (which also occurs on Macs). The error is:

Error 51: Unable to communicate with the VPN subsystem

Somehow, the VPN software looses contact with the network adapter (wired AND wireless). After this there are two things you can do;

  1. Reboot
  2. or restart the Cisco VPN Service manually.

The first is kinda obvious (it's almost a MS Windows strategy :)). The second one is done via the Terminal (Finder -> Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal). Just type the following command (followed by your password);

sudo /System/Library/StartupItems/CiscoVPN/CiscoVPN restart

The thing I don't understand is; Why hasn't Cisco incorporated this in the VPN client?

IF (Error 51 == TRUE)
DO CiscoVPN.restart

It seems that this 'bug' is present since the release of the Mac OSX version of the software.

Posted on May 20, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Apple, Security, Software, Tips'n Tricks.

Adobe Coldfusion MX on Ubuntu Server

Ever since I went 'Apple', the urge of moving away from Microsoft Windows operating systems is getting bigger and bigger. A couple of weeks ago I installed a two Ubuntu servers (v7.x) at work. Mainly for testing , and educational purposes.
The installation went extremely smooth on old Compaq ML370 server hardware. So, as a test I tried to install Adobe Coldfusion MX (Coldfusion 8 ) on the Ubuntu server (with Apache, and MySQL).

There are several postings on the Internet suggesting that it should be possible. Even though Ubuntu isn't on the supported platforms list for Adobe Coldfusion MX.
Posted on May 10, 2008 and filed under Linux, Operating Systems, Software, Tips'n Tricks.

All Comments Held For Moderation....

Ever since I upgraded to Wordpress 2.5 I had to moderate every comment posted on this blog. Note that I hadn't turned this on in the Wordpress settings.

Some research showed that it might have to do something with 'older' plugins. After a trail and error period I found out that the WP Hashcash plugin was to blame. Ever since I de-activated it, the problem seems to be gone.

Posted on April 24, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Tips'n Tricks, Website, WordPress.

Authentication Required While Printing on OSX 10.5.2

Since I upgraded from OSX 10.5.1 to 10.5.2 I haven't been able to use my shared printer on on my Windows server. Every job I submit gives me an error saying On Hold (Authentication Required).

There's no way that I could submit the printjob to the server from my Mac.

It seems that there is a bug in the authentication mechanism on OSX 10.5.2. If you add a (network) printer by using the System Preferences, you get to browse to find the actual printer.

Posted on March 31, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Apple, Tips'n Tricks.

Awesome Screensaver

I listened to the latest 'This Week in Tech' podcast today. They mentioned a screensaver called FlickrFan. This screensaver can connect to flickr account and images to use in the screensaver. But it also downloads current Associated Press images in high quality and more. This results in awesome pictures from around the world covering the news in HIGH-RES. B.t.w. it's much more than just a screensaver, but I liked the screensaver-part best.
Posted on March 6, 2008 and filed under Apple, News, Photography, Software, Tips'n Tricks.